Coating Aftercare & Maintenance Plans

coating aftercare has been split into three plans, your lifestyles can be busy and keeping on top of your vehicle can be a headache we take that headache away, whether you decide to have your vehicle detailed every three months with our complimentary inspection + booster, which keeps your car looking 5 stars all year round, or you are an exclusive client looking to keep your car in perfect condition 24/7 we have designed these with your individual needs in mind.




Weekly Details 

carpets matts  hoovered 

all interior surfaces hoovered and wiped down & protected

glass cleaned internally  

all door shuts including fuel/charger aperture washed and protected

wheels, tyres, arches, cleansed & protected 

complete exterior contactless safe pre wash 

intricate badges, grills, window seals, cleansed and protected 

scratch-free 56 side safe wash 

dried and air blown

external glass cleansed 

high gloss nano detailer applied 

premium tyre sealant applied final hoover and inspection

(Package requirements must have purchased with ourselves a deep clean or ceramic package) 


Monthly Details 


carpets matts blown hoovered steamed extracted

all interior surfaces blown hoovered and wiped down & protected

glass cleaned internally 

all door shuts including fuel/charger aperture washed and protected

wheels, tyres, arches, cleansed & protected 

complete exterior contactless safe pre wash 

intricate badges, grills, window seals, cleansed and protected 

scratch-free 56 side safe wash 

dried and air blown

external glass cleansed 

high gloss nano detailer applied 

premium tyre sealant applied final hoover and inspection 

£65- £100

Tri-Monthly Details 


carpets matts blown hoovered tanning treatment steamed extracted

all interior surfaces blown hoovered deep cleaned  & protected 

glass cleaned/polished internally 

all door shuts including fuel/charger aperture deep cleaned and protected

wheels, tyres, arches, cleansed & protected 

complete exterior contactless pre wash 

contactless iron removal, tar decontamination,

neutralising pre wash 

intricate badges, grills, window seals, cleansed and protected 

scratch-free 56 side safe wash 

dried and air blown

external glass cleansed/polished 

  3 month nano top coat applied 

premium tyre sealant applied final hoover and inspection 

 £85 - £149